MATLAB CODES - try running on ur compilers
EXPERIMENT - 1A FOURIER SERIES clc clear all close all syms x f=input( "Enter the function of x: " ) I=input( "Enter the interval [a,b]: " ) m=input( 'Enter the number of Harmonics required: ' ) a=I(1); b=I(2); L=(b-a)/2; a0=(1/L)*int(f,a,b); Fx=a0/2; for n=1:m figure; an(n)=(1/L)*int(f*cos(n*pi*x/L),a,b); bn(n)=(1/L)*int(f*sin(n*pi*x/L),a,b); Fx=Fx+an(n)*cos(n*pi*x/L)+bn(n)*sin(n*pi*x/L); Fx=vpa(Fx,4); ezplot(Fx,[a,b]); hold on ezplot(f,[a,b]); title([ 'Fourier Series with ' ,num2str(n), 'harmonics' ]); legend( 'Fourier Series' , 'Function Plot' ); hold off end disp(strcat( 'Fourier series with' , num2str(n), 'harmonics is: ' ,char(Fx))) HARMONIC ANALYSIS clear all clc syms t x...