

Human activities are disrupting and degrading some ecological and economic services provided by marine aquatic systems, especially coastal marshes, shorelines, mangrove forests, and coral reefs. In 2008, the U. S. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) used computer models to analyze and provide the first-ever comprehensive map of the effects of 17 different types of human activities on the world’s oceans. In this 4-year study, an international team of scientists found that human activity has heavily affected 41% of the world’s ocean area. No area of the oceans has been left completely untouched, according to the report. In their desire to live near a coast, some people are unwittingly destroying or degrading the aquatic biodiversity and the ecological and economic services that make coastal areas so enjoyable and valuable. In 2010, about 45% of the world’s population and more than half of the U.S. population lived along or near coasts and these percentages are i


Loss of Habitat Is the Single  Greatest Threat to Species: Remember HIPPCO shows the underlying and direct causes of the endangerment and extinction of wild species. Biodiversity researchers summarize the most important direct causes of extinction resulting from human activities using the acronym HIPPCO: Habitat destruction, degradation, and fragmentation; Invasive (nonnative) species; Population growth and increasing use of resources; Pollution; Climate change; and Overexploitation. According to biodiversity researchers, the greatest threat to wild species is habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation. A stunning example of this is the loss of habitat for polar bears. Because the atmosphere above the Arctic has been getting warmer during the past several decades, the floating sea ice that is a vital part of the bears’ habitat is melting away beneath their feet, which is causing a decline in their numbers. Deforestation in tropical areas is the greatest eliminator of species, followe


  Whale Shark More than 400 known species of sharks inhabit the world’s oceans.  They vary widely in size and behavior, from the goldfish-sized dwarf dog shark to the whale shark, which can grow to a length of 18 meters (60 feet) and weigh as much as two full-grown African elephants. Many people, influenced by movies, popular novels, and widespread media coverage of shark attacks, think of sharks as people-eating monsters. In reality, the three largest species—the whale shark, basking shark, and megamouth shark—are gentle giants. These plant-eating sharks swim through the water with their mouths open, filtering out and swallowing huge quantities of phytoplankton. Media coverage of shark attacks greatly exaggerates the danger from sharks. Every year, members of a few species such as the great white, bull, tiger, oceanic white tip, and hammerhead sharks, injure 60–75 people worldwide. Between 1998 and 2008, there were an average of six deaths per year from such attacks. Some of these sha


Nature’s Survival Strategies Follow  Three Principles of Sustainability Nature has been dealing with significant changes in environmental conditions that affect the planet for at least 3.5 billion years. This is why many environmental experts say that when we face an environmental change that becomes a problem for us or other species, we should learn how nature has dealt with such changes and then mimic nature’s solutions.  To learn how to live more sustainably and thus more wisely, we need to find out how life on the earth has sustained itself. Our research leads us to believe that in the face of drastic environmental changes, there are three overarching themes relating to the long-term sustainability of life on this planet: solar energy, biodiversity, and chemical cycling. In other words, rely on the sun, promote multiple options for life, and reduce waste. These powerful and simple ideas make up three principles of sustainability or lessons from nature. Reliance on solar energy: The


  1. TAJ MAHAL The Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum located in Agra, India. It was built by Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife,  Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely recognized as "the jewel of Muslim art" in India and one of the universally admired masterpieces of the world's heritage. 2. PYRAMID OF GIZA The Great Pyramid of Giza is the oldest and largest of the three pyramids in the Giza Necropolis bordering what is now EI Giza, Egypt.  It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact.  There are three  known chambers inside the Great Pyramid. 3. GREAT WALL OF CHINA The Great Wall of China is a series of fortification made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China in part to protect the Chinese Empire or its prototypical states against intrusions by various nomadic groups or military incu

SAM BERNS' PHILOSOPHY FOR A HAPPY LIFE - A motivational and an inspiring story

 "True happiness can be accrueded only through our self-gratification" The life history of Sam Berns erudites and evinces the above lines. We can accentuate the authentic significance of the above lines from the prolific talk given by Sam Berns at a TEDx event. Throughout his talk, he abstrained himself from loitering the complications which he faced because of his Progeria(a rapid ageing syndrome). He began his talk with an incident he met with. Once in his school days, he wished to play snare drum in his school marching band. But maliciously it weighed more than what he could balance. Without becoming languished, Sam Berns importuned an engineer to make a snare drum with weight which he could balance and accomplished his wish with his acumen. In this talk, he mentions his philosophy for a happy life. He tells us to adept at what we can do and we must totally abhor and procrastinate the felling of disability to do some tedious things. He also says us to get surrounded with l